How to Study in Exam Time ? All students have been facing this question during the exams but our experts have solved this problem And we tried our best we will also cover some Exam tips for students and some study tips for exams our aim is to answer every question some of the questions asked by some students are how to study smart for exam in less time.
Introduction : many students study for a long period of time some students study for 8 hours some study for 10 hours and some for 12 hours but many of them doesn't score well marks in their academics or in their exam some students study for only one hour and they get full marks or they are proper in your class but why they only study opr 1 hours where as you study eight hours for 12 hours or 10 hours everyone thinks that if you will study for a long period of time you will score high marks but 8 this thinking is absolutely wrong why ?
First of all we need to know what we do ? So so our daily routine is we wake up let in the morning then we eat our breakfast and then we go for bath and then we attend our online classes but how we attend our online classes ? during the online classes many of us don't attend the online classes but in some cases some of us attend the online classes but the thing is that they keep online classes in baground and then they use to play games, watch YouTube videos etc.. now after completing our online classes we do lunch and anything we do which is not related to study and we we keep on thinking that today Ohh! I didn't completed my work and we think that now we will do nothing which is not related to studies now we think that we will only focus on studies and finally we are on the study table and now it's our study time but we don't do study in this time but the thing we do is we keep on thinking about or past but in the case of the topper he never think about his past but he think about his future and at the time of study you only do study ! Study and Study ! But in your case when the time of study comes you keep on thinking about the past we keep on thinking about the last cricket match , about the school attendence we think that why should we study because in the last we will be not able to attend the exams due to low attendance etc This is the difference between the topper and the loser. we can't say that you are loser but we can say that you are not topper but if you will follow the steps that the topper follow you will definitely score good marks in your exam but there are many problems as many students face problem in learning the big answers we have also solve this problem you can also read our article related to it