CBSE Class 9 Economics Notes Chapter 3 - Poverty as a Challenge || Study Cluster - BMB

Hey Student here is a Quick Summary of Class 9 th CBSE Economics chapter 3 Poverty as a challenge You can also download the high quality pdf of Question and Answers of  Poverty as a challenge In this article you will get a quick and short summary of Poverty as a challenge by our experts These notes of Poverty as a challenge will help you in the exams You can also download the notes of Poverty as a challenge through our website BMB - Baccha Mat Bolna You can also download the PDF of  Question and Answers of Poverty as a challenge through our website 

Poverty as a challenge NCRT Solutions

Introduction : In this chapter we will learn 

What is Poverty and Poverty line ?

Poverty estimates

Vulnerable Groups 

Inter State Disparities

Global poverty scenario 

Causes of Poverty 

Anti poverty measures

The Challenges Ahead 

What is Poverty ??

Poverty is a lack of our basic needs such as food, shelter, clothes, safe drinking water etc..

What is Poverty line ?

Poverty line is a imagery line Every Country has set his own poverty line In order to divide the poor people and rich people As poverty line is a common way to measure the poverty based on the income and level of consumption of the individual A individual is said to be poor if his / her salary or level of consumption is below to a given minimum level which is necessary to fulfill the basic needs 

Poverty as seen by social Scientist 

One individual in India who is living in the rular areas require 2400 calaries where as the individual who is living in the urban areas require 2100 Calaries in a day But why in the rular area high calaries are required ? These is because of the work as in rular area agricultural activities are performed in which high calaries are required According to an research it was found that in rular areas a individual require 816 INR to fulfill his / her monthly basis expenses and in rular areas an individual require 1000 INR in order to fulfill his/her basic expenses these is because in rular areas the cost of products are less (cheap ) and in urban areas the cost of products are very high.

How poverty line is decided / Fixed ??

To decide a poverty line a list is Made which tells how much food, clothes , house , water and other basic needs are required to a individual and by adding all the prices of these things that are required the poverty line is made .

Poverty estimates ( garibi ke shikar )

In 1993 - 94 poverty ratio of India was 45% And it was decreased from 45% to 37.2% in 2004-05 and 37.2% to  22% in 2011-12

Vulnerable Groups

In this subtopic we will learn that Which social group and how much from These social Groups are below poverty line ?? So, According to an research 43% of Schedule Tribe And 29% of SC are below poverty line So, Now how many percent And what economic group are below poverty line !? 34 % of agricultural labor ( Agricultural labor are those person who works under big Farmer or the individual who are not the owner of any farm or who don't have their own farms ) are below poverty line and same is the case of urban areas 34%  of casual labor ( casual labor are those person who works in factories or who have their Small business ) are below poverty line  

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